One of the best things about retirement is the opportunity to pursue leisure activities to your heart’s content. Golfers, in particular, look forward to retirement because it isn’t easy to find the time to play a regular eighteen holes when you’re working a full-time job and raising children. But once the kids are out of the house and the challenges of a career are in the rear-view mirror there is time to play golf almost every day. Better yet, golf is a great way to keep an aging body – and mind – in shape, thanks to the walking involved and the mental challenges the game presents, both in terms of strategy and the need to remain “in the moment” when navigating your way through a round.
Of course, golf isn’t exactly a low-impact sport; in fact, it’s more physically demanding than casual observers realize, as a golf swing inevitably puts a certain amount of stress on a wide variety of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. That’s why it’s imperative to 1) warm up properly, 2) utilize proper technique, 3) make smart shot-making decisions, and 4) make the most of your physical ability by developing the mental part of your game, which can enable you to play more consistently and with greater confidence. This is where hypnotherapy can help, as a golfer of any age or level of ability can improve his or her long game, short game, and putting stroke by using hypnosis to improve concentration, enhance form & technique, and foster a consistently positive mindset.
The techniques I use to help golfers “master their mental game” include:
– Working on a pre-shot routine where we use an “anchor” to connect to the hypnosis.
– Creating a mental picture of every shot, as visualizing yourself hitting a great shot (or sinking a putt) helps set your subconscious up for further success.
– Acknowledging prior successes (positive affirmation) and negative thought stopping.
If you’re unfamiliar with hypnotherapy, you may be surprised to learn that it’s nothing like it is commonly portrayed on television and in Hollywood movies. Hypnosis is a natural, yet altered state of mind marked by a high degree of suggestibility where one can tap into the subconscious mind, and thereby address and resolve any inner conflicts that may be causing issues with your swing, putting stroke, decision-making ability, or interpersonal relationships with playing partners.
As client Helen P. of Boston, MA, recently related to me: “TrueHypnosis has been a great way for me to become much more aware of myself and the people around me! I am more patient, focused, relaxed and clear about my feelings, needs, and goals. I’ve made significant progress with my golf game, both in terms of pleasure and performance.” Furthermore, “my work with TrueHypnosis has given me the courage and clarity to ‘follow my own star’ in several areas of my life,” she said.
And that’s yet another benefit of using hypnosis to increase sports performance; the benefits can carry over to the rest of one’s life. So whether you’re retired and playing more golf than ever, or are simply curious about how hypnotherapy can impact your life and golf game alike, I encourage you to reach out to me for a free consultation. Whether you schedule an in-person consult at my office on East Bay Street or arrange for a session via phone or Skype, the benefits of hypnotherapy are waiting to be discovered. Call 843-252-0573 or contact me at to get started today.